Monday, April 26, 2010

Something About Korean Movies...

For some reason i find myself watching Korean movies, and i'm not even sure how i got into Korean flicks. There's something about them that have me going back for more; and it's been over a year now. I don't watch them constantly but i have seen a good number of Korean movies. When i watch them i find that they always lack something and i'll tell myself i wont watch them anymore... but then i'll find myself still going back for more.

For those of you who are familiar with Korean movies will know that in many of the movies, they have very similar storylines. Rich boy meets poor girl-- he's cruel to her but she's in love with him-- then he falls for her but his family wont allow it-- she runs away in the rain-- he follows after her-- she somehow ends up in the hospital because of the rain--- Now she's now dying and he lays by her bedside....
It's just so cheesy and expected and i dont know why i keep going back lol. I guess there's something about cheesy-ness that catches my attention.. Korean movies have some kind of hold on me and i just cannot resist for too long *hehe*
Anyways i'm about to watch yet another korean flick (lol im an addict i need help!).

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday To My Sexy Self

My birthday is today and in honour of my birthday i've made a list of random things about me you probably do not know

23 things about me you probably do not know.
1. I'm currently wearing braces! (i sure am... and now i'm wondering why i ever got them)
2. I love to walk around in my pajamas when i'm at home (so comfy)
3. I'm the youngest of three.. apparently i'll always be the baby according to my mom
4. I don't drink pop/soda, i hate it
5. I prefer flats or sneakers over heels on a everyday basis (but i'd never go clubbing in sneakers!)
6. I've never been drunk and don't want to ever get drunk
7. I want to be an entrepreneur one day... i rather work for myself than someone else
8. I'm only 5'3, yeah im not very tall at all
9. I live in the countryside, and even though its boring i prefer it over the big city now
10. I don't have a favourite colour or favourite food
11. I hardly wear makeup, i love to go natural
12. I love to watch Golden Girls, this show's classic
13. I'm making this list when i should be studying
14. My mom and i are really close, she's my best friend
15. I no longer own a cellphone, i gave it away because i hardly ever use one
16. I don't have Twitter... i don't plan to join twitter either
17. Sometimes i'm an insomniac (most times)
18. I always leave final assignments until the last minute.. i'm really trying to change
19. I want to learn fluent Japanese and Filipino
20. I love tea. I drink tea every single day... I just love it
21. A lot of people think im 14 or 16... i hate it but in time i'll appreciate it (when im a lot older)
22. I love blistex lip balm... i can't go a day without it
23. When i travel i always pack unnecessary things that i know i wont use but i bring "just in case"
And there you have it. Twenty-three things about me you didn't know :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ugly Betty: It's Over...Whyyy!

For one, i can't believe that Ugly Betty got cancelled. I'm not a fan of any new tv shows, because in all honesty there's a lot of crap on tv these days. Ugly Betty is the only tv show i actually looked forward to watching (aside from IR: Cold Case, 48 hours etc.).

Anyways apparently they're being cancelled because of poor views lately, which i think is not the show's fault. They kept moving the time around (wednesday to fridays, 9pm to 10pm etc) without really announcing it much, so many people basically just couldnt bother to figure out when the show will be airing. I think thats one of the main reason why the show lost so many followers...

So Wednesday was the show's finale which i didnt get to watch until today. I knew in myself that i wouldn't be happy with the show's ending. Reason being, they had so many issues to deal with before the show ended and would have to cram it all in a few episodes. The ending is obviously not what i expected but i guess it could have been worse... Amanda finally found her father, Daniel steps down and makes Wilhelmina sole editor of Mode, Betty leaves Mode and goes to London (whyyyy!) and now it seems her and daniel will end up together... I guess thats cute, but seriously why did they have to cancel poor Betty arghhh! I'm still trying to cope *sad face*

Trip To Mississauga

On Tuesday i went for a visit to Mississauga, and while there i had a lot of fun with my family and i ended up taking some photographs at the park. Actually we went to some stores and then bought some food prior to heading over to the park. I'm not sure what the name of the park is since im not too familiar with Mississauga but it was close to Dundas and Hurontario i think... Anyways the pics are below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Breakfast At Dean Michaels

So my mom and i decided to have breakfast out since we haven't had breakfast together in awhile. We decided to visit Dean Michaels on County Road, heading towards Norwich (yeah it's in the country hehe). I did not sleep during the night and i didnt want to fall asleep during the day and screw up my sleeping pattern. Once it's messed up it's so hard to get back into my regular sleeping pattern. So i was happy that we were going out, because that would really help me stay awake. Anyways, I had a lot of fun out with my mom; she's a bit crazy sometimes and today was no exception. We laughed and laughed...and laughed some more. Then we ate, and ate until we couldn't move *haha*.
Here's some pics below for your enjoyment. Ciao!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Photo Session: Frozen

So i've been going through my photography portfolio to look for new things to post since i havent really done much shoots lately (no inspiration at the time). Anyways i'll be posting more of my work as i go through my portfolio to display here...

In this series i'm showing photographs from winter about 3 years ago. It was an unforgettable winter because it was the one year that it was so cold the trees were basically frozen/covered in ice. It was so beautiful but undeniable cold ( i get chills remembering hehe). Also it was the same time that year my nephew was born, so it has significant meaning as well. Okie enjoy and let me know what you think. Ciao!

Photo Session: Retro Chic

The other day i did a little photo session in order to capture a new look (I love variety). I call this Retro Chic. Anyways i loved it; i had a lot of fun and some pretty decent shots came out of it. So after the session, i decided to play around with photoshop a bit to see what i can come up with editing wise. Below is a before and after shot of the same image that was edited, and i love the outcome ( i hope you like it too). Okie well enjoy the photographs; please let me know what you think.
p.s blogger really craps up the quality of my images; i'll start uploading them elsewhere because i hate the poor quality i'm getting from uploading them here.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

March Break Fun

During the march break, we decided to visit White Oaks Mall in London to get out of the house and do some shopping. So while we were there we saw this colouring station set up inside the mall for kids to colour and have a little bit of march break fun. Obviously we couldnt resist (well really it was Vontae who wouldnt allow us to leave); so here are some pics of him showing off his artistic side :-)